Archive for June 2011

Semester One? I Am DONE.

And good god how the time has flown!! Half a year = gone. And it has been one hell of a half year. Right from that very first day in Christchurch, the 16th of February, my life has pretty much been turned upside down – or, to use a more approproate term, shaken up. And yet; four papers, 14 odd weeks, a lot of alcohol and parties, some amazing new friends, several hours in planes, a VERY annoying ash cloud, and about six billion earthquakes later – i’m back to the same old place. But I’m sure i’m not the same person I was 4 months ago – I’m not sure many people would be after having been not only thrown in the deep end, but being chucked around every which way in that deep end. It was bound to happen – and Emma, you’ve  taught me to accept the fact that you can’t give a rats about what other people think or how they might react….you’ve gotta do what you want to! And that’s so true it’s not funny.

I love Canterbury! Seriously. If not the incredible people there that are so leniant with ANYTHING to do with earthquakes, the campus is just SO much better all in one than being separated out by roads and all that jazz. The hall and the food and the people and I’ve said it all before – but I just love it all!!

Stupid, stupid earthquakes. Why do they have to ruin everything? No town. Not enough venues for parties….not to mention having to plan my escape route every night before I go to sleep. I suppose the only remotley positive thing about it all is how much closer it’s made everyone…and that’s definitley something, given all my fellow Cantabrians are in it for the long haul……*note to self, do not rent a brick flat!*

Speaking of flats, that really seems to have all fallen completley into place for next year! Which was one thing I was stressing about….THREE Emma’s, and Eloise and an Anna. This should be fun….

Of course, this is assuming that I’m brave enough to stay where I am next year. Two weeks ago, I remember so clearly contemplating coming back home to stay. After February’s 6.3, I figred as long as I could get through that and return to Christchurch, I could handle anything. But it turns out that when another 6.3 hits – all of those doubt arise again. And I’m sure they’ll rise again after the next big one – I really have no idea how much I can take, but I’m sure I will know when or if it gets to the point where I feel I need to come home. I’m praying that point will not come though – I couldn’t leave all of Christchurch behind, I know I would regret it for the rest of my life.

But for the moment – I’m home. And it’s lovely. A TELEVISON to start with is definitley a plus…oh, and no jelly ground is pretty splendid too. But seeing everyone after 7 weeks has just been the BEST! And not only spending time with all my favourite Auckland/Otago-ers, but getting one of my most favourite Cantabrians to come and stay with me has been beyond fantabulous!

Emma Simpson, you’re lovely 🙂 I am honestly starting to feel like part of your family now – not only do I know you just as well as friends I’ve had for years, I’ve met a HELL of a lot of your family and friends, and I know a LOT more about horses now then I did 4 months ago!! I knew I’d meet some awesome people – but I didn’t think they’d be as wonderful as you, and I’d get to be a part of so much of your life – bring on the flat next year, you’ll be one rockin’ flatmate!! You are SO coming back to Auckland to stay again 🙂

I guess if anything this semester has taught me it’s that you really never EVER know what’s coming. An earthquake can be just around the corner – but so can everything that has been so good about Canterbury so far. Aftershocks are really just becoming part of my Christchurch life now, and I do not care how much Kristy, Terence, Em and any other’s don’t want to come and stay – you will grow a pair, and come down to join me for a weekend to see why I love it so much 🙂

Through all this, somehow many photos were managed to be taken! A few of my favourite memories from undoubtedly the most memorable 4 months of my life….






















So, bring on semester 2 Canterbury! With three parties, a ball and many horse events already lined up, term 3 ship shaping up to be the best one yet 🙂

Add a comment June 29, 2011






June 2011

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